
What are cookies and how are they used by Thornton & Ross?

Thornton & Ross may place Internet cookies on your hard drive. Internet cookies are small files that may be placed on your hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies are used to (a) remind us of who you are in order to deliver you better service; (b) estimate our audience size by determining repeat usage of the Web site to help target advertisements based on user interests and behavior; (c) track your progress and entries in promotions, sweepstakes and contests, if any; and (d) measure certain traffic patterns for use as a research tool to understand how our users’ habits are similar or different from one another. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. By not accepting cookies, some Web pages may not display properly or you may not be permitted to access certain information. Thornton & Ross may also collect IP addresses (the Internet address of a computer) to track a user’s session while the user remains anonymous. We analyze this data for certain trends in statistics, such as which parts of our site users are visiting and how long they spend there. In general, we do not link your IP addresses to anything personally identifiable to you.

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