Dry skin conditions can impact patients differently and we wanted to understand more about the physical and psychological impact on patients. In partnership with the British Skin Foundation, we surveyed patients with dry skin conditions to highlight the impact dry skin conditions can have, especially due to the wider changes and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are the common physical impacts?

While there are many different physical symptoms, itching (63%), appearance (57%) and cracking/splitting of the skin (35%) are regarded as the most difficult aspects of living with a dry skin condition. The symptoms can occur anywhere on the body, but for most people, they identified that their dry skin typically affects their hands (69%), legs (61%), arms (59%) and face (51%).

How do dry skin conditions impact patients psychologically?

Numerous dry skin conditions, like eczema, can be exacerbated by stress or anxiety and for many patients (67%), the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about more stress/anxiousness than usual. As a result, more than half (53%) agree that their skin condition has worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is clear that the impact of living with a dry skin condition can have a significant bearing on psychological health: 88% agree that it often makes them feel less confident, 88% agree that it makes them feel more stressed and 82% agree that it negatively impacts their self-esteem. Coupling this with the fact it can also sometimes prevent people from participating in social gatherings/hobbies (71%) and can negatively impact personal relationships (57%), it is important to address skin conditions holistically.

Getting treatment right

Almost all of those surveyed (94%) have spoken to a healthcare professional about their dry skin condition at some point, which gives an opportunity to discuss the importance of holistic care to support patients both physically and mentally in managing their dry skin condition. For those surveyed, the majority use an emollient (92%) to manage their dry skin. Of those people, 87% use an emollient at least once a day and the most common improvements they saw were less itching (39%), less discomfort (37%), improved appearance (32%) less skin cracking/ bleeding/ splitting (32%). This also made them feel more confident, less stressed, and empowered to take control of their own skin health.

This showcases the positive impact emollients can have on people with dry skin conditions, so it is important to provide patients with the right emollient and the right treatment regime for their needs. Suitable for all ages and stages of dry skin* the Cetraben range has high patient preference.1-4The range contains the UK’s number one prescribed emollient cream5 which has superior compliance compared with low-cost emollient brands.6 Cetraben Cream, Lotion and Ointment are also approved by the British Skin Foundation.

The Cetraben Range

Cetraben is a unique range of emollients designed to free patients from the burden of dry, fragile skin. Suitable for all ages and stages of dry skin*, the range contains products from a light lotion to a moisture rich ointment, and is the first eczema-prone skincare range to be approved by the British Skin Foundation.

Find out more

*Cetraben is suitable for adults, the elderly and children over 1 year. Children under 1 year should be treated under medical supervision.


  1. Cetraben® Psoriasis Association survey report January 2018
  2. Data on file. Cetraben® Ointment preference test August 2014
  3. Data on file. Cetraben® Lotion preference study September 2013
  4. Data on file. Cetraben® Emollient Bath Additive patient preference study September 2013
  5. HSCIC Volume Data. GP Prescribing Presentation-level Data. Volume of Sales October 2019
  6. 2019 Cegedim data vs. low-cost emollient brands

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